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Founder’s syndrome – The right time to fire yourself
A founder's influence on a company cannot be understated - but what happens when they become the biggest deterrent to their own company's growth?
- by μReview
- October 31, 2022
- 7 minutes read
Will computer vision change how brands “see” the world?
Crop monitoring, street security, cancer detection - these are use cases that computer vision is already being used for. But AI is not without its challenges.
- by μReview
- August 29, 2022
- 3 minutes read
5 startups using computer vision to create change
Computer vision is already being used widely. We look at 5 of the most innovative businesses in this space today as well as the problems they’re trying to solve
- by μReview
- July 19, 2022
- 6 minutes read
The future of India’s e-scooter industry
The Indian EV sector is buzzing- consumers are embracing EVs as fuel prices surge. One exciting & relatively new industry segment is the e-scooter rental market
- by μReview
- July 18, 2022
- 9 minutes read
Jhunjhunwala’s Riskiest Bet: Will Akasa Air Take-Off?
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala's 'Akasa Air' is slated to soar this year. But given the turmoil since the pandemic, all fanfare must be taken with a pinch of salt.
- by μReview
- June 1, 2022
- 7 minutes read

🎙️ Podcast @ Masters' Union
Dissecting the experiences of business leaders, stand-out professionals, startup founders, and overachievers – With Pratham Mittal, founder at Masters’ Union School of Business.
The complete set
Attack on the oligarchy: Impact of Russia’s offensive against Ukraine
With the massive wealth that Russian Oligarchs have parked in foreign countries, they are now battling a double edged sword.
- by μReview
- May 12, 2022
Games, Not Gamification: The Next Frontier In Edtech
To say that the $4 billion Edtech industry is booming is an understatement - but content digitization does NOT equal.
- by μReview
- May 12, 2022
Do Economic Sanctions Work? (The Russo-Ukraine Version)
In international policy, sometimes there are no good options. & from the list of really bad options available, economic sanctions.
- by μReview
- April 15, 2022
Quantum Computing, Cryptography, And Blockchain: The Cascading Effect
Quantum computing poses a threat to the security of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Just how real is the threat and what.
- by μReview
- April 12, 2022
Real Business Impact Of Quantum Computing
We’re living in the age of controversial deep-tech. Computer vision can now recognize faces & reusable rockets are making space.
- by μReview
- April 8, 2022
From Ecommerce to V-commerce: Retail in the Metaverse
When it comes to bleeding-edge, blow-your-mind tech like the metaverse, the opportunities are equal parts exponential and speculative.
- by μReview
- April 6, 2022
Let’s not get carried away with Neuralink
Elon Musk wants to connect our brains to computers, giving us the ability to control devices with our minds. But.
- by μReview
- April 6, 2022
3 Industries that are ripe for ‘OYO-fication’
Can the 'OYO model' be emulated across brick-and-mortar industries to drive significant value and (eventual) profits?
- by μReview
- April 6, 2022
Do Product Managers Make Good CEOs?
Ever since Ben Horowitz called good product managers “the CEO of the product” in 1998, the industry has been divided.
- by μReview
- April 5, 2022